Apex, NC memory care facilities are also referred to as Alzheimer’s care facilities and Dementia care facilities. Apex memory care facilities are designed to meet the specific needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Assisted living facilities can also provide memory care and support for individuals with early stages of Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Our online Apex, NC memory care facility placement and referral agency service directory will help seniors search for and find top affordable memory care facilities that support the challenges in the progression of memory loss. There are many excellent memory care facilities in Apex to choose from. For your convenience, Carewatchers are listing some of the best affordable Apex, NC memory care facilities that accept private pay.
Memory care in Apex, NC is a type of specialized care for those diagnosed with various types and levels of memory loss. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, the medical term for a decline in memory, thinking, decision-making, and reasoning.
Approximately 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease, according to the National Institute on Aging. That number is projected to increase substantially in the coming years because the U.S. population is aging, which increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's.
Memory care facilities have registered nurses and a specially trained care team staff 24-hours in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care. Each member of the care team provides supervision and has responsibilities to ensure the patient's care needs.
One of the biggest challenges is keeping patients safe from themselves and the world around them. Memory care facilities in Apex provide a secure and safe environment. Many dementia patients feel the need to wander or have the need to be somewhere. Alarmed doors and emergency call systems are in place for their safety. As well, they should feel comfortable and calm in their environment.
The cost for memory care depends on the location, the number of patients, and the services offered. The price would change because some memory care facilities specialize in advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease, whereas others function in the early stages of memory loss. In the United States, the average cost of a private room in a memory care facility is approximately $5,000 per month.
• Is the person with Alzheimer's or Dementia becoming unsafe in their current home?
• Is the health of the person with memory loss or my health as a caregiver at risk?
• Are the care needs of the person beyond my physical abilities?
• Am I becoming stressed, irritable, and impatient as a caregiver?
• Am I neglecting responsibilities to my family, work, and myself?
• Would the structure and social interaction at a memory care facility benefit the person?
If you have a loved one who needs a memory care facility, making this transition can be a stressful experience. You may feel guilty and wonder if you're doing the right thing. But keep in mind that regardless of where the care takes place, the decision is about making sure the person receives the care and safety they need.
Remember, despite memory impairment, a person with Alzheimer's or Dementia can continue to live an engaging, meaningful, and joyful life.
Listed below are four Apex, NC memory care facilities. You can call them directly, or you may call Carewatchers. Our service is no cost to the consumer. Thank you for searching our online memory care facility placement and referral agency service directory.
1000 Your Street
City, State Zip
Contact: Carewatchers
Tel: (800) 564-8185
Payment Type: Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicaid
License: 000000000
Ref: #00000
1000 Your Street
City, State Zip
Contact: Carewatchers
Tel: (800) 564-8185
Payment Type: Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicaid
License: 000000000
Ref: #00000
1000 Your Street
City, State Zip
Contact: Carewatchers
Tel: (800) 564-8185
Payment Type: Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicaid
License: 000000000
Ref: #00000
1000 Your Street
City, State Zip
Contact: Carewatchers
Tel: (800) 564-8185
Payment Type: Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicaid
License: 000000000
Ref: #00000